

モーク?カタリーナ(MORK Cathrine-Mette)

所属 人文学部 国際文化学科
職位 教授
学位 修士(図書館情報学)
学歴 McGill University (MLIS & BA)
専門分野 CLIL (内容言語統合型学習)
Second Language Acquisition (第二言語習得)
Intercultural Communication (異文化間コミュニケーション)
CALL (コンピュータ支援外国語学習システム)
主な担当科目 英語Ⅵ (プレゼンテーション)、スピーチⅠ、スピーチⅡ、スピーチⅢ、CLILゼミ
主な研究テーマ Effective CLIL methodologies (効果的なCLIL手法)
CLIL Teacher education (CLILの教師教育)
AI and second language acquisition and education (AIと第二言語習得と教育)
Application of emerging technologies to TESL/TEFL (新興テクノロジーのTESL/TEFLへの応用)
Media Literacy (メディア?リテラシー)
研究キーワード Second Language acquisition, CLIL, TEFL/ TESL, CALL, MALL, Intercultural Communication, ESL/EFL Presentation Skills
  • JALT - Japan Association of Language Teachers (全国語学教育学会) + SIGs - Special Interest Groups
  • Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association (J-CLIL)
  • CLIL Institute for Teacher Education (CLIL教員研修研究所)
  • MAJ - Moodle Association of Japan (日本Moodle協会)
受賞 Miyazaki International University Excellence in Teaching Award (2020)
Best of JALT賞を受賞 (2022)
メッセージ VENI, VIDI, VICI ("I came, I saw, I conquered") Change this famous phrase from Julius Caesar into the present tense and apply it to all aspects of your life. You will never regret trying your best, even if the outcome is less that favourable.
  • Mork, C. (2023). Writing assessment in the new landscape of AI writing software - How do we respond? Comparative Culture: The Journal of Miyazaki International College 27, 102-114.
  • Mork, C. (2022). Book review of Bridging the Humor Barrier: Humor Competency Training in English Language Education. JALT Journal 45(1), 170-173.
  • Mork, C. & Simpson, A. (2021). The Development of a Banking English Seminar. Comparative Culture: The Journal of Miyazaki International College 26, 15-36.
  • Mork, C. (2020). Assigning Roles in Small Group Discussions for Maximum EFL Learner Participation. The Language Teacher 44(5), 9-17.
  • Mork, C. (2019). Confirming or denying truths and lies with tag endings. In Julie Vorholt (Ed.), New Ways of Teaching Speaking (2nd ed.). (pp. 83-84). Maryland: TESOL Press.
  • Mork, C. (2018). Book review of Dynamic Lectures. Comparative Culture: The Journal of Miyazaki International College 23.2.
  • Mork, C. (2018). Individualized reading development outside of class: A review of readtheory.org. Comparative Culture Special Edition: The Journal of Miyazaki International College 22.2.
  • Mork, C. (2017, March). An experiment using Penzu for extensive writing. The FLTMAG. Retrieved from http://fltmag.com/an-experiment-using-penzu-for-extensive-writing/ Howard, A., and Mork, C. (2015). An Investigation into active learning at MIC: A beginning and the way forward. Comparative Culture: The Journal of Miyazaki International College 20.
  • Mork, C. (2014). Benefits of Using Online Student Response Systems in Japanese EFL Classrooms. The JALT CALL Journal 10(2), 127-137.
  • Mork, C. (2014). Voxopop for out-of-class speaking practice in the Japanese university EFL context - uses and student perceptions. The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC) 2014 Official Conference Proceedings, 204-214.
  • Mork, C. (2014). Fragrance to Help Learning? Makes Scents. Hikaku Bunka Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture, Tokyo Woman's Christian University 60, 17-20.
  • Mork, C. (2013). Student Directed Twitter Usage in University EFL Courses. The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC) 2013 Official Conference Proceedings, 139-146.
  • Mork, C. (2009). Using Twitter in EFL Education. The JALT CALL Journal 5(3), 29-44.
  • Mork, C. Co-translation of the film "La Vie Mumurée" (a documentary film about Osamu Dazai) by Des Films Nuit et Jour, produced by Gilles Sionnet and Marie Francine LeJalou, released Nov. 2009.
  • Mork, C. (2009). Using Multiply as a class management and communication system for EFL classes. The JALT CALL Journal 5(1), 77-90.
  • Mork, C. (2002). Social Identity as an Obstacle to Foreign Language Acquisition in Japan. Journal of Minami Kyushu Junior College 8, 73-94.
  • Mork, C. (1998). Teaching Classroom English: Activities for the 1st Few Classes. The Language Teacher 22(7), 37.
  • Mork, C. NET (Nishimorokata English Teacher), editor, July 1996 - May 1997.
  • "Guns, Germs, and Steel - A CLIL course that promotes self-directed learning." JALT CCLT (Creating Community Learning Together) Learner's SIG Conference No. 6. Online, December 20, 2020.
  • "Ice breakers suitable for virtual synchronous classes." THT Kyrgyzstan 2020 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series (for Eleventh Annual THT Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (Online), Sept. 10, 2020.
  • "Online reading resources for self-directed English language learners." THT Kyrgyzstan 2020 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series (for Eleventh Annual THT Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (Online), Sept. 10, 2020.
  • "About active learning through active learning." English Language Teaching Seminar (英語教育セミナー) A one-time event hosted by MEI for JHS and SHS instructors for active learning at the Kiten building conference center (near Miyazaki Station), Nov. 29, 2019.
  • "What a CLIL course looks like." THT Kyrgyzstan 2019 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series (for Tenth Annual THT in Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (city of Bishkek), Sept. 7~11, 2019.
  • "The SQ4R method for active reading." THT Kyrgyzstan 2019 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series (for Tenth Annual THT in Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (city of Bishkek), Sept. 7~11, 2019.
  • 「多文化の国カナダ」 [Canada - A Multicultural Country.] presented for the Miyazaki International Foundation, Hotel Merieges, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki. March 9, 2019.
  • "Timed Writing for improved EFL fluency and better CBI." IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning, Dubai, UAE, February 16-18, 2018.
  • "Making an impact outside the classroom." Keynote presented at the 2018 JET Programme Skills Development Conference, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki. Feb., 2018.
  • "ReadTheory for university EFL reading practice - perceptions on progress." JALTCALL 2017 Conference, Matsuyama University, Shikoku, June 16~18, 2017.
  • "A heuristic for categorizing active learning teaching strategies." SUTLF conference 2016, Sojo University, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Feb. 4, 2017.
  • "Developing creative thinking & L2 communication skills through lateral thinking puzzles & mysteries." THT Kyrgyzstan 2016 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series, Osh Pedagogical Institute of Humanities (city of Osh), Sept 8~9, 2016; Jalal-Abad State University (city of Jala-Abad), Sept. 10; Bishkek Humanities University (for Seventh Annual THT in Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (at a local HS) (city of Bishkek), Sept. 14~15, 2016 .
  • "Defining and assigning roles in peer-facilitated discussions to ensure full class participation." THT Kyrgyzstan 2016 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series, Osh Pedagogical Institute of Humanities (city of Osh), Sept 8~9, 2016; Jalal-Abad State University (city of Jala-Abad), Sept. 10; Bishkek Humanities University (for Seventh Annual THT in Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (at a local HS) (city of Bishkek), Sept. 14~15, 2016.
  • "Timed writing - The why's and how's." THT Kyrgyzstan 2016 Conference, Seminar & Workshop Series, Osh Pedagogical Institute of Humanities (city of Osh), Sept 8~9, 2016; Jalal-Abad State University (city of Jala-Abad), Sept. 10; Bishkek Humanities University (for Seventh Annual THT in Kyrgyzstan) and Association of Japanese Language Teachers Forum (at a local HS) (city of Bishkek), Sept. 14~15, 2016 .
  • "Journaling offline or online for extensive writing - Which do students prefer?" JALTCALL 2016 Conference, Tamagawa University, Tokyo, June 5, 2016.
  • "Lingtlanguage for Oral Assignments." JALTCALL Conference 2015, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka. June 6, 2015.
  • "Online Tools to Streamline Administration and Optimize Language Learning Opportunities." ETJ Association Conference 2014, Kanda Institute of Foreign Language Studies, Tokyo. Nov. 2, 2014.
  • "Voxopop for out-of-class speaking practice in the Japanese university EFL context - uses and student perceptions." IAFOR Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC) 2014, Ramada Hotel, Osaka. April 19, 2014.
  • "The Socrative method: Enhancing student engagement through an online student response system (OSRS). Paperless: Innovation and Technology in Education, Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Tokyo. February 1, 2014.
  • "Benefits of Using Online Student Response Systems in EFL Classrooms." 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa and the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. January 10-13, 2014.
  • "Student Directed Twitter Usage in University EFL Courses." IAFOR Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC) 2013, Ramada Hotel, Osaka. April 2013.
  • "Web tools for speaking outside the classroom." ETJ Tokyo Expo 2011 Tokyo Keisai University, Tokyo. October 2011.
  • "Twitter in the EFL Classroom." ACTJ Annual Mini Conference. Canadian Embassy, Tokyo. Nov. 3, 2009.
  • "Expressions to Empower Japanese Learners of English" 15th JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter Conference, Civil Aviation College, Miyazaki. Nov. 27, 1999.
  • Moderator for The 7th Panel Discussion & Speeches for Exchange Students, AZM Hall, Miyazaki. Feb. 6, 1999. Narrator for "Forestry in Miyazaki Prefecture" & "Let's Enjoy Sunshine Miyazaki City" (promotional videos for Miyazaki Prefecture and Miyazaki City, respectively 1998-99).
  • "An Introduction to Canada" in Japanese for Kobayashi International Club, Kobayashi Shakai Kyoikukan, Kobayashi, Miyazaki. Oct., 1997.
  • "Effective Use of the Text" 1996 Mid-Year Block Conference for the JET Program. Tokyo. Oct., 1997.